How White Superiority, White Equality, and White Inferiority Are All Spun to Serve Jewish Supremacism and Its Proxies
The spin is more important than the facts in matters of political control. Thus, the ‘facts’ of white superiority, white equality, and white inferiority can all be used to make white people tolerate, welcome, celebrate, ‘include’, and serve the Other. The current order manipulates all three modes among whites to make them serve Jews and/or nonwhites(usually blacks as proxies of Jews).
1. How white superiority is used to make whites serve Jews and nonwhites. Whites are made to feel special, rich, powerful, and accomplished. They are great whereas the other peoples are pathetic, especially those half-starved or diseased black Africans. Therefore, superior white people need to be decent and take care of those nonwhites by allowing mass-immigration and providing endless aid. The White Knight or White Savior Syndrome in other words.
Jews manipulate the psychology of white superiority as well. Jews paint themselves as forever Holocaust Victims, and great-good whites must step up to the plate to protect Jews from the ‘new nazis’, such as Iranians and any ‘Anti-Semite’ who dares to criticize Jewish Power or Zionism. Steven Spielberg gave the game away in THE FABELMANS where his alter ego makes a Leni-Riefenstahl-like film that idolizes a blond Aryan-looking popular kid to curry favors with him, especially against the ‘Anti-Semites’.
There is also an aspect of white superiority in LGBTQXYZ stuff, i.e. whites are ‘more evolved’ than the rest of humanity for being more enthused about queer culture, therefore whites should guide the world to celebrate homosexuality and trannies.
So, feelings of white superiority are made to either serve nonwhites or spread Jewish-concocted ‘Western Values’ via globo-imperialism. (Globo-Homomania is totally the brainchild of Jewish supremacists.)Of course, no one explicitly states that whites are superior, but the implication of White-Savior-ism is premised on something akin to enlightened superiority, a variation of the White Man’s Burden.
Even ‘white guilt’ is intrinsically white superiorist in judging whites by a higher standard. All of humanity practiced slavery and waged murderous wars. So, why are whites judged more harshly? Because they’re deemed as higher beings who should have known better than the rest of mankind, the stupid darkies. “Oh my, how could the white race have done such a thing!?!?” If Arabs, Africans, and Asians did much the same, oh well, that was because they didn’t know any better. But whites? As higher beings, they should have known better.2. How white equality is used to make whites serve Jews and nonwhites. Whites are told that all races are equal or that the concept of race is just a fantasy, aka ‘social construct’. There is just common humanity, and therefore, it doesn’t matter if white world is demographically taken over by nonwhites or if whites mix with other races. Whites and nonwhites, they are not only equal but virtually the same. It’s just humans and more humans.
So, whites should welcome mass immigration and be either demographically replaced or miscegenated out of existence. You see, it doesn’t matter because whatever happens, it’s just humans replacing or mixing with humans. As whites are the global minority, such an agenda would make the white world subordinate to or supplanted by nonwhites in the long run. What will happen to Europe if hundreds of millions of black Africans go there? It will become Africanized, but never mind, because, black or white, what does it matter? (If it doesn’t matter and if all peoples are alike in talent, why don’t blacks stay in Africa and build civilizations like the rest of humanity?)
Anyway, white equality as currently understood doesn’t bestow white people the equal right to survive as a race and a variety of cultures(as Jews in Israel do). It’s not about universal nationalism. Rather, whites must be erased like Palestinians and accept it as a ‘good thing’ in the name of equality.
3. How white inferiority is used to make whites serve Jews and nonwhites. Whites are made to feel that the Other, especially Jews and blacks, are so awesome that whites should worship and serve them. If we go by images than ideas(or idolatry than ideology), the current Western Culture is totally racial supremacist in entertainment and cultural emphasis. Sports, entertainment(especially pornified and junglized), and music are heavily about black dominance, black power, black prowess, and black whatever. Blacks are so highly prized that even Afrocentric lies are favored over objective facts. Take BLM, based on a total lie but revered as a quasi-religion among so many foolish whites.
When it comes to sports, diversity has led to something like ‘monoversity’, or monopolization by one group in a diversified world. California is very diverse with a white minority population, lots of Asians and many more browns, but its sports teams are heavily black. Europe celebrates diversity and has many more Muslims and Asians than in the past, but its sports are turning more and more black, with France leading the way.
So, diversity doesn’t lead to more diversity at the top but domination by a single group or a handful of groups. Today, the typical European Sprint Events have nearly all blacks(representing France, UK, Holland, etc.)‘Monoversity’ is also the end-result in brainy fields. Technology is an open field in welcoming diverse talents from all over the world, but the top are dominated by Jews/whites, Hindus, and yellows. And the finance sector around much of the world is dominated by Jews. It’s not about more kinds of people having equal possession and control of wealth but about Jews gaining more financial access/control over other nations.
Across Southeast Asia, diaspora Chinese dominate much of finance and economics. So, the promise of diversity hasn’t led to diversity at the top but a kind of ‘monoversity’ where more diverse peoples come under the domination of a single group or few groups.Globalism promotes diversity as equal opportunity for more diverse peoples, but even if it were truly meritocratic, innate genetic differences turns meritocracy into ‘monoversity’ of one group or few groups hogging most of the trophies or prizes. But it’s actually worse because Jewish Power at the center of globalism rigs the game to favor Jews and their allies/puppets over much of the world(Russia, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, ‘uppity’ whites who believe whiteness is okay).
Domination by meritocracy isn’t enough for Jews. They must rig the game by having the US sanction Russia and Iran(and any nation that does business with them). Also, Jews, who once used to take pride as champions of civil liberties, now use media monopoly, platform monopoly, financial service monopoly, and all kinds of lawyer tricks to shut down speech and discussion that goes against Jewish power and its favored Narratives. At this point, the ACLU might as well be a wing of AIPAC.
In a way, equality of opportunity allows for even greater manifestations of racial superiority. Allowing equal opportunity in sports led to black supremacy. Allowing equal opportunity in academia, media, and finance led to Jewish domination. Even as ‘anti-racist’ cucky-wuck whites point to black success in sports and music as proof of ‘progressive’ triumph over white supremacy, they overlook the implications of racial supremacy in their argument.
After all, if blacks totally beat whites in sports, it may disprove white or ‘Aryan’ supremacy but it also asserts black supremacy, at least in sports. And if blacks are more ‘athletic’ and rhythmic in their music that excites people, then blacks must have certain advantages in sound & sensuality. What is ‘liberal’ Rock Culture but an idolization and imitation of blacks? It’s about white sensibility spellbound by black sensuality. Dave Marsh the Rock critic always posed as a ‘liberal’ or even ‘leftist’ who denounces white ‘racism’, but his entire worldview could be boiled down to whites should revere blacks because blacks are so much more awesome than whites. There’s a book called GOOD BOOTY(by Ann Powers) that seems to be about how whites would be nothing without the liberating power of the bouncing black butt.
And what is all this Philosemitism about? It’s a case of Heil Hillel. If the West is indeed about equality and ‘anti-racism’, why is its current sacred law, “Thou shalt serve Jews and Zion uber alles, especially against Palestinians and Arabs?” It’s based on the notion that Jews are so awesome as businessmen, thinkers, entertainers, and etc. that white people should get on their knees and worship and serve the Real Superior Race, the True Master Race. In other words, inferior whites should serve superior Jews.
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Now, how is it possible that white superiority, white equality, and white inferiority, though contradictory with one another, all serve the same purpose? Because ‘facts’ or assumptions are secondary to the spin they are given. Under current dogma and narrative control, all three modes have been spun to make whites serve the Other, especially Jews and blacks. Heads I win, tails you lose.
It’s like the story of the Talmudic Rabbi, the goy, and the chimney. Regardless of the scenario or situation, the Jewish guy comes out on top. Different ‘facts’, but same spin: “Jew is right, goy is wrong”
In Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s short story “In the Forest”(basis for Akira Kurosawa’s RASHOMON), three people tell three different accounts of the same murder, but in a way, they’re telling the same tale as each is driven by ego and vanity. In a similar vein, current whiteness, whether spun as ‘superior’, ‘equal’, or ‘inferior’, is spun to serve the Jews and the Other. Whether as a white god, a white man, or a white slave, he exists to protect, welcome, or serve Jews(and their favored allies). Lawyers and pundits know this trick. Whatever the fact, however irrefutable, they spin it to suit the case. Whether the truth is white superiority, white equality, or white inferiority, the power of spin is with Jews who spin whiteness around and around to serve Jewish Power.
Very insightful.