"This has led to a certain schizophrenia in the political mindset of the Irish. Are they blood-brothers with the British who recruited the Irish(as their closest racial cousins) in the imperialist ventures or are they soul-brothers with all the peoples, especially nonwhites, who stood up to ‘racist’ British Imperialism and other forms of Western domination?"

I've never seen any Irish defending minorities, or even really have serious qualms with the UK a few years after the troubles. Assuming for some reason there's still bad blood, why would they turn to minorities? There is no reason to choose. Throwing away the bad blood hypothetical, there are images of Irish and British anti-migrant groups marching together and migrant churches in Ireland are burning, never seen an ethnically Irish person stabbing people with migrant gangs

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Have the Irish noticed that the anti-White trend accelerated after the global banksters (the same people Hitler and Kaddafi were fighting) essentially bought Ireland after the 2008 banking crisis?

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