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Love your blog! If you want to know "how they did it?" you first have to ubderstand the technical parts. These Muslims, one of which had Israeli intel. connections were piss poor flyers. They were only to look like they were the "hijackers," whether they knew of the operation or not. The anthrax attacks sort of prove this theory, as many stories via Zionist "journalists" in media were quick to write stories, presumably, pre-written Straussian myths, linking the Anthrax attacks to the hijackers. Donald Kagan (of the savage Kaganovich tribe of Bolshevik memory) was the very first to mention this connection in a radio talk show.

For this reason and other reasons, which I won't get into, we can say with certainty that the Muslims blamed for the attacks, many of whom are still alive, did not hijack any of these planes and would never have been relied on to do so, espeically since everything had to go perfectly right (which it didn't).

ACARS data has the answer. If two planes were caught via ACARS flying well after their crash times hundreds of miles away, that little statistic, that can not be falsified, proves 9/11 to be a false flag. Look it rabbi Zakhiem's 767 tanker drones for more info.

UA175 and UA93 were flying well after their crash times hundreds of miles west. UA175 was over Pittsburgh 30min after it allegedly crashed and UA175 over Illinois!

Curiously, some of the planes had picco transceivers on them. That means a passenger can call through the airphone on his cellphone. So the notion that the calls were faked or were placed in a warhouse on ground level is wrong.

The calls were routed via Picco, which are only utilized during live hijacking drills! It is very likely there were real passengers mixed with spooks on the planes, like Israeli Daniel Lewin, who likely didn't die. His last photograph was him wearing an aluminum watch with all hands placed on the 11. The SWATCH Hijacker watch was its name! And the brand had the word Irony on it. I thought, maybe that's a boast, maybe a coincidence, so I bought watch on ebay and it was almost impossible to get all hands on the 11.

He also, interestingly bought a million dollar plus house off of the previous home owner whose company has the Bin Laden family as one of its largest shareholders. Now Bin Laden didn't do anything on 9/11 but it was likely he was privy to being blamed and likely died of Kidney faliure in late 2001, when there were numerous funerals for him. Now, weirdly, his relatives are all Trump supporters and many are Zionists!

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